Tuesday 11 October 2011

Insights about Self-service Kiosk

Another trend of technology which eases the human interaction with regards to the transaction especially in the business industry becomes more and more prevalent.  Self-service kiosk to some provides effective and efficient way of transaction in every corner of the business, to others it is a bane. In other countries, self-service kiosk industry is growing fast, widely used in hotels, grocery, retail chains and airports. But is the kiosk really increasing efficiency of consumers? Is the kiosk a bane or a boon?

Since it is widely known and use in many countries, they see the kiosk as a boon to them. For example, a kiosk replaces the front desk at the hotel. You can check in for yourself right away without having any interaction with the front desk attendant of the said hotel. And check out right away if you want to by yourself. However, studies show that most consumer still not convinced with the kiosk as a replacement for the front desk hotel attendant. Self-service kiosk is not a substitute for a service. People want to interact with the front desk clerk at the hotel, said Henry H. Harteveldt, VP and principal analyst of airline and travel research for Forrester Research. “They might have questions about the property. … They may have questions about their trip. The kiosk doesn’t replace that human touch for check in.”

There are some incident illustrates the reasons why some both love and hate self-service kiosks: When they work as planned, they are a happy convenience. When they don't work, they become the focal point for all that is wrong with customer service. Like in paying bills, they are very particular with the type of money. Kiosks are very choosy in money aside from that it doesn’t give you a change. However, we cannot deny that not all transaction can be done by this machine; there are transactions that need human interaction. And that real service from human is a lot different from the service given by the machine. Using kiosk will eliminate number of employees in a certain company.  No matter how we used this technology, it will sometimes be down.

For me, it is really not a just a bane or boon, whatever it is. I personally consider these both. In IT industry, it is a trend and another technology that we could look forward to, if it will be used widely here in the Philippines. But the saddest part is number of employees will loose their job. However, the reliability of real service cannot be replaced by this machine. Since we are surrounded by a fast and furious changing world of technology, one day, the whole business industry will be technology driven and do not need some human intervention. Aside from considering this as a pros and cons, let us try to realize that if this machine can actually do what human can do, still we humans are gifted with brilliant mind to think on what is right. If it could give us burden then we shall see another alternative to put into.

Monday 10 October 2011

Reaction on Free Texts to hurt carrier's bottom line

With the implementation of this new trend, the most advantages of this would be at the consumer’s side.  However, the downside is that all the carriers like smart, globe, sun, etc. will be useless. Apart from that, sending text messages is the highest form of income to all the carriers. They make most of the money in services, thinking that millions and billions of people a day are using text messages, not considering the call. If this happens, it badly hurts the bottom line of all the carriers.

What will happen then? In my own opinion, for the consumers it really helps a lot. You don’t have to spend a lot of money for having a load. Just send and send and receive messages at all. No worries as long as both your phones are compatible in receiving messages, that’s it! For the producers of different phone models, it is an added profit to them. Why? Because if this free text will be implemented in the Philippines, cell phone producers makes a lot of phones that would be compatible to all phones to avail this free texts. However, if it does not require any connectivity like Bluetooth, cell phone units nowadays would still be in use. But we do not know yet.

For the carriers, it did really hit their bottom line. Not only millions, but billions will be put into nothing. Part of the changing trend of technology, so they must be flexible in whatever trend came in to. If there are new trends came in, they have to go with the flow, since most of the time advantages and disadvantages takes place even if it will be implemented or not.

For the students, wohoa..What a great surprise! No more expenses for load. No more worries! For the companies that mostly use cell phones for their means of communication, it would be a great help too. And to everybody in general, we can’t deny that it did really help a lot and the bottom line is, IT HURTS!.

Thursday 6 October 2011

5 Trends to Watch in 2011

As what I understand with the article, they mainly state the meticulous budgeting and economizing technology to watch in this year 2011. Companies and CEO's are focusing mainly on the customer-facing and low cost devices that saves money, the cost, productivity, innovation and speed, effectively and efficiency of the product. Most of them are expecting to spend a lower percent of revenue. Yes, the recession is transformational since there is a widespread drop in spending. Most IT shops are vigilantly manage flat budgets that could reduce the costs. As technology evolves faster than the year 2008 and many of the IT companies now are trending with different product, the competition becomes closer and even tighter to all companies. 
With the coming of different devices such as laptops, smart phones and here comes the tablets, people are more prone to buy especially those employee who work on their busy schedule. Technologies transform everything, the way we work, communicate and even exploring every bit of information is just a click away.

This trend could be very helpful to us to change our lifestyle a bit, not to give us more harm especially in our environment. I'm not pretty sure what I am trying to imply in here, because I doubt with my statement. I don't understand what would be the best reaction I could give. I hope this could give a little though. Hehehe!

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Go Green! Green PC..Green Computing

Environmentally awareness and saving energy in using your computer was the main concept of Green PC. Reducing environmental impact and using the computer in an efficient manner has come in the new trend of Green PC, Green Computing advocacy. Computers and related equipment have been blamed for causing as much global warming which we experienced nowadays. Now this new Green PC can help us reduce the cause of global warming and is very Eco-friendly. Green technology focuses on reducing the environmental impact of industrial processes and innovative technologies caused by the Earth’s growing population. With its goal to provide society's need in ways that do not damage or deplete our natural resources.

I know that not everyone can afford to buy this green PC but there are some ways to go green with your computer while you're not spending much money just to change your lifestyle in going green. A few changes with your time sitting down in front of your computer can go along way to help reduce the consumption of energy and the impact to the environment. Doing your part is a big help for the environment in conserving energy.

For me, ill go with the green. Not just because I'm an avid fan and addicted to "green" but because this is just one way to help save our precious planet. I just really love GREEN, that's it! We, humans are the main cause of this phenomenon happening around us and we are also responsible of taking care of our environment. Recycling products and reducing pollution is a big benefit to us and to our planet.

Friday 30 September 2011

Reaction on Three Technologies to Watch by Tim Bajarin

As what the author says about his article “Three technologies to watch”, exposing top 3 technologies that he has been using for over the past three weeks convincing his own self to look forward and that represent breakthrough development of technologies nowadays revealing most of the advantages. But the question is what was the downside of this technology? How would it affect people lives especially those small children whom there parents can afford to buy this device. Or is it better in the long run considering education and work? Probably, with the fast changing technology today, the whole world would be technology driven as it would rely mostly on technology that makes people more comfortable of. 

Microsoft introduces Kinect which is a motion sensing input device. Though to some, this was a great invention made since it relies mostly on the gestures and spoken command of a person. Things that first time user would really call it “awesome”. However, the downside is, it can make you inactive with the sports outdoor since you are more comfortable and enjoy most of time playing with an xbox. Another thing is that, the more you are exposing to this device can harm you. The rays and radiation released may cause skin infection and other health problems. With this Kinect, children are become lazier playing outdoors and might affect their grades in school.
Next one is the augmented reality. AR term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics or GPS data. It is related to a more general concept called mediated reality, in which a view of reality is modified. As a result, the technology functions by enhancing one’s current perception of reality. By contrast, virtual reality replaces the real world with a simulated one (what is augmented reality). It is very surprising seeing things in reality using this software. But the question is, does it cover your own privacy?  Nevertheless, all of this causes great concern for the privacy of its users and realistically Augmented Reality cannot come without its drawbacks. The author mentions face technology recognition and directly connects it to his ID and instantly to his/her Facebook account. Though it can enhance our digital lives, still it has its drawbacks that needs to be reviewed. Augmented reality can increase knowledge and information, but it is also a confusing tool that has potential to decrease productivity especially in the business field

The last one was the Apple Macbook Air which hits the market with its tiny and sleek appearance comparing to other laptops. Macbook Air is an ultra thin notebook computer that Apple's recently introduced. For the author, he simply put and sees through mostly on the advantages. Though I personally did not see a real Macbook Air, still it is one of the newest and high marketable devices that every fan of Macbook Air must see. Apart from this, though several reviews take place on the advantages of this Macbook Air, we should also consider the benefits on the other side. Considering this as another trend of technology people can look forward to.

Computer Literacy in Elementary School Children

Computer literacy is defined as the knowledge and ability to use computers and related technology efficiently, with a range of skills covering levels from elementary use to programming and advanced problem solving. Computer skills refer to the ability to use the software and hardware of a computer. Being "computer functional" is usually what is meant by one with computer skills; computer literacy is only really evident in advanced computer skills (Computer Literacy).  Children's lives are already getting influenced by technology – and this is just the beginning. Computers and Internet are here to stay and software titles targeting young children continue to increase (Computers: A blessing or a Curse). 

An advantage takes place upon the implementation of the computer literacy program for elementary school children nowadays. One of the advantages that could take place knows the basic things in the computer and how to use it. It can help them arouse their basic computer skills and would be properly educated about computers. Through computer literacy they would discover lots of things by just using the internet. Also students may learn and gain lots of experience through it. Computers help children to be in control of their experience, to set their own pace, and to select the level of challenge with which they feel comfortable (Advantages of Computer Literacy). Most children at the present time are more exposed to the fast changing trend of technology with high-tech gadgets. Good educational software enables children to develop and practice broad range skills. It can help them learn, for example, about letters, numbers, shapes, colors, and rhythm. Good software can also help children develop their understanding of cause and effect, higher order problem solving, procedural thinking, and creative expression.

While computers can be a valuable tool, there are disadvantages integrating these technological devices into a classroom. Computers offer convenience and allow students to create polished products, but with these advantages come potential problems that could lead to decreased educational effectiveness within a classroom and allow for problems down the line in the child's schooling (Disadvantages of Computers). Children may develop technological dependence upon the use of these tools.  Another downside of having a computer literacy for children is the abusive use of computers by playing games for many hours and could affect their grades in school. We cannot deny that through this program, children can easily developed and learn some applications in the computers (for those who have their own computers at home), and could be an added challenge for teachers in dealing vast difference to other children who do not know. Teachers deal with the varying computer literacy levels of students. Another thing is that computers make academic dishonesty even easier for students to perpetrate. At an early age, children can make plagiarism in their own doings without knowing what the right thing to do is. This added ease of cheating may incline more students to attempt academic dishonesty. It could also make children irresponsible on doing there responsibilities at school. 

Overall, the benefits seem to outweigh the drawbacks. And, the fact is, actively involved parents can control most of the drawbacks. This p[uts even greater responsibility on parents to be vigilant and conservative in their judgment about their children's computer usage. A regular and constant watch is very necessary, especially regarding the internet. Computers offer substantial benefits to young children and their development and to families as a whole. At the right age, a computer is a wonderful thing that every child deserves to have. Accordingly, if a family can afford a computer without sacrificing other important, traditional childhood experiences, then this environment should contain a computer set-up that can be accessed as easily as books and other playthings and integrated in the family's day-to-day activities in a natural way. With parental guidance, quality software, parental control software, safe surfing tips, and their own love of discovery and learning, young children can work wonders with computers & the internet. They can also gain and reap the benefits of computer literacy for the rest of their technology-filled lives.